
Alex Fabrikant

alexf * at *
(N.B.: permanent forwarding address)

This academic homepage is for those interested in my research work. I do not speak for my employer here.

- Bio - Papers -


I am a staff research scientist at Google Research, leading a team that focuses on scalable cross-document natural language understanding. We are always excited to hear from prospective collaborators, applicants, and interns!

Over my time at Google, I've also worked on spatiotemporal data mining and location privacy, and on social network mining. I received my Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, working on lower bounds in algorithmic game theory and applications to network modeling, with Christos Papadimitriou. My bachelor's degrees in electrical engineering&computer science, linguistics, and math are also from Berkeley.


Google Scholar will certainly curate my papers much more reliably than I, so please assume anything listed below may be years out of date!

Natural Language Processing (2021-)

Geospatial data mining and privacy (2013-2020)

Social network mining (2011-2012)

Algorithmic game theory and network modeling (2002-2010)

And a brief side foray into early quantum AI, long before Sand Hill Rd got there: